I am a bit unclear about what you would like to do from ReportBuilder. If you have the Professional edition of ReportBuilder or above, you can execute your own custom queries without the need to access a TDataSet descendent in Delphi. This can be done in the data workspace of the designer (data tab). Also, if you would like to filter your existing data from inside your report, you can use the AutoSearch feature.
hi, i have a similar question... i have a rtm on end user... i need to attach another query adding a where clause for filtering some data... what can do??
If you would like to add a new query to your template (in DADE), you will need to create a new DataView in code (preferably in the Template.OnLoadEnd event). If you would like to link an existing query in with your report, you will need to do this in code as well by assigning the Report.Datapipeline property in the same event. See the following article for more information.
------------------------------------------------------- Tech Tip: Creating a DataView in Code -------------------------------------------------------
procedure TDynamicReport.CreateDataView; var lSQL: TdaSQL; lTable: TdaTable; lField: TdaField;
{create a datamodule - note: this is only necessary if you need to stream the report definition to an .rtm or database} FDataModule := TdaDataModule.CreateForReport(FReport);
{create a query dataview} FDataView := TdaBDEQueryDataView.Create(Self); FDataView.Parent := FDataModule;
{assign local SQL object values to the dataview} FDataView.SQL := lSQL;
{get a reference to the dataivew's pipeline and assign a Name to the pipeline} FPipeline := TppDBPipeline(FDataView.DataPipelines[0]); FPipeline.Name := 'plClient';
{connect report to datapipeline} FReport.DataPipeline := FPipeline;
I am a bit unclear about what you would like to do from ReportBuilder. If
you have the Professional edition of ReportBuilder or above, you can execute
your own custom queries without the need to access a TDataSet descendent in
Delphi. This can be done in the data workspace of the designer (data tab).
Also, if you would like to filter your existing data from inside your
report, you can use the AutoSearch feature.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
attach another query adding a where clause for filtering some data... what
can do??
If you would like to add a new query to your template (in DADE), you will
need to create a new DataView in code (preferably in the Template.OnLoadEnd
event). If you would like to link an existing query in with your report,
you will need to do this in code as well by assigning the
Report.Datapipeline property in the same event. See the following article
for more information.
Tech Tip: Creating a DataView in Code
daDatMod, daQClass, daDataVw, daQuery, daDBBDE;
procedure TDynamicReport.CreateDataView;
lTable: TdaTable;
lField: TdaField;
{create a datamodule - note: this is only necessary if you
need to stream the report definition to an .rtm or database}
FDataModule := TdaDataModule.CreateForReport(FReport);
{create a query dataview}
FDataView := TdaBDEQueryDataView.Create(Self);
FDataView.Parent := FDataModule;
{initialize the dataview}
{define database connect and type}
FDataView.SQL.DatabaseName := 'DBDemos';
FDataView.SQL.DatabaseType := dtParadox;
FDataView.SQL.SQLType := sqBDELocal;
FDataView.SQL.Session := FDataView.Session;
{create local version of the SQL object}
lSQL := TdaSQL.Create(Self);
{modify the local version}
{ lSQL.SQLText.Text := 'Select * from clients';
lSQL.EditSQLAsText := True;
lTable := lSQL.AddTable('clients');
lSQL.AddSelectField(lTable, 'Last_Name');
lSQL.AddSelectField(lTable, 'First_Name');
{assign local SQL object values to the dataview}
FDataView.SQL := lSQL;
{get a reference to the dataivew's pipeline and assign a Name to the
FPipeline := TppDBPipeline(FDataView.DataPipelines[0]);
FPipeline.Name := 'plClient';
{connect report to datapipeline}
FReport.DataPipeline := FPipeline;
end; {procedure, CreateDataView }
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors