error Message
ppStripOffTableName: Tablename("Commercial_TC")should not be enquoted.
Error shows when Generating Tables in the Data Dictionary Builder .. Tables.
I have two databases where I am using the end user IBO demo amended for
relevant paths.
The program works fine with one database (gdb file) but not another.
As far as I can tell all parameter settings are identical, just the
paths have changed.
Error shows when Generating Tables in the Data Dictionary Builder .. Tables.
I have two databases where I am using the end user IBO demo amended for
relevant paths.
The program works fine with one database (gdb file) but not another.
As far as I can tell all parameter settings are identical, just the
paths have changed.
This discussion has been closed.
- Do you have any other table names with an underline character as part of
the name? (I am wondering what is different about this table name)
- My guess is that daIBO.pas, the method TdaIBOSession.GetTableNames is
returning a list of table names in which some of the names have quotes
around them. If so, then we add to some code to that method to remove the
quotes from the string items.
- Below is an article about how to run the DataDictionary Builder at
run-time. This can be useful for troubleshooting these types of issues. Add
RBuilder\Source to your Delphi library path and configure the debugger to
break on Delphi language exceptions. Then run the DataDictionary Builder at
run-time and let the debugger break on the exception. Examine the call
Tech Tip: Using the DataDictionary Builder at Run-time
Is it possible to run the DataDictionary Builder at run-time?
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
lForm: TdaDataDictionaryBuilderForm;
lForm := TdaDataDictionaryBuilderForm.Create(Application);
lForm.DataDictionary := ppDataDictionary1;
if lForm.ValidSettings then
Tech Support
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
I have connected to a number of interbase databases containing "_" in
the table name. I only have trouble with the database giving rise to the
error message. (murphy's law of course, it works on everyone you don't
urgently need ).
So I have to assume that RB doesn't like something about the database
but what ?
I have tried having only a database and ppReport component and try to
create a dataview at run time. Same problem.
Incidently as far as i can tell, all other applications using this
database are running as expected.
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From looking at the call stack, it appears that a table name
Cilent_Contact_Record has quotes around it when in it is passed to
1. The DADE plug-in for IBO, daIBO.pas, is responsible for getting the list
of available table names from the database. Open this unit and check out the
method TdaIBOSession.GetTableNames. You will see the following call
// note: lDatabase is of type TIB_Connection
2. Try writing a simple test that uses IBO to get the list of available
table names and then loops thru the list and checks whether any of the names
have quotes. Here is an example (I did not compile or test this code).
lTableNames: TStringList;
lsTablename: String;
lTableNames := TStringList.Create;
for liIndex := 0 to lTableNames.Count-1 do
lsTableName := lTableNames[liIndex];
if (lsTableName[1] = '"') then
raise Exception.Create('Error: TableName (' + lsTableName + ') should
not be enquoted.')
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Ran your procedure and you are correct, most of the table names and
fields are surrounded by '"'.
I confirm daIBO.pas has the call
if lDatabase.Connected then
in your first reply you state, in regard to names having quotes
" If so, then we add to some code to that method to remove the
quotes from the string items."
Do you have this code available ?
Moved now to the field generator and am receiving 'table not known at
line 4 column 20'. sql error -204
- you can remove the quotes by using Delphi's StringReplace routine
lsTableName := StringReplace(lsTableName, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
- that error message is generated by the database engine. You need to
determine what was the SQL statement that was submitted to the database
engine. My guess is that the database engine is expecting the names to be
quoted (since that is how it returned the names).
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
So are we concluding that RB requires the quotes to be stripped but when
it passes the tablename to the database engine it needs to surround the
name in quotes ?
I don't mind doing that but where in your code do I start ?
Is there a common procedure called by all instance by RB when it needs
to parse an sql ?
- The database is wanting the name to be enclosed in quotes and the Dade
classes are coded to treat a name enclosed in quotes as invalid. Either the
Dade classes need to be changed to handle tables names with quotes or the
plug-in, daIBO.pas, has to handle this by stripping off the quotes when it
builds the list of table names, but them re-adding quotes whenever it
submits SQL to the database. I don't which of these is easier.
- If you want to try to change the Dade classes, you could start by
modifying ppStripOffTableName to not raise an error when it encounters a
quote. This routine is located in ppUtils.pas
// comment out these lines
// if (Length(aRawTableName) > 0) and (aRawTableName[1] = '"') then
// raise EDataError.Create('ppStripOffTableName: TableName (' +
aRawTableName + ') should not be enquoted.')
Try doing that and then run and see what error happens next - if any. (You
will need to remove the change we made to daIBO, GetTableNames).
- If you want try to go the other route and change the IBO plug-in, then you
can leave in the change we made to GetTableNames. Search for the daIBO.pas
unit for FQuery.SQL. There are two occurences. Some extra code would need to
be added to re-add the quotes as needed.
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors