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Import data file from DB

edited September 2006 in End User
RB 10.04, Delphi 7, DBExpress

Hi, I am unable to import an DTM file from my database -- an "Invalid
Template Error" is generated. I can sucessessfully import one from a file,

I did a quick look on Tamarack and found this thread:

"Re: Errors with RB10.01" from March 6 2006

and saw an IBExpress user had the exact problem and a patch was made
available. Is it possible that the same patch will help me? Has this
change been incorporated into the 10.04 release? Of course I mean to look
into this further but it is one of many problems I am working on right now.




  • edited September 2006
    More info -- when importing from file, Result = ftASCII as below:

    function TppTemplate.StreamType(aStream: TStream): TppFormatType;
    if IsValidASCIISignature(aStream) then
    Result := ftASCII

    When importing from the DB, the error is raised during this same function.

  • edited September 2006
    Hi Leah,

    Thanks for the information. I was not able to recreate the exact error you
    were getting however I did find an issue dealing with the loading of .dtm
    files from the database with DBExpress. The Item and ItemUpdate client
    datasets were not properly linked so the wrong template was being loaded. I
    fixed the demo so this functions correctly now. If you would like the
    patched demo, please send a request to support@digital-metaphors.com and
    we'll send it to you as soon as possible.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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