Changing report explorer
I've made some changes to the report explorer form as per the tutorial in
\RBuilder\Tutorials\Complete\II. Applications\04. End-User with Custom
There is something else I would like to do, which is add some more
editable columns. What is the simplest way to add some additional columns,
specifically checkboxes and other text? The columns are new columns in the
rbItem table relating to additional things for the reports in question.
Ideally, rather than use a TppItemList, I'd like to use a DevExpress
Quantum Grid so the editing can be similar to the rest of the application
but I could cope with just adding new columns to the TppItemList.
Jeremy Knowles
\RBuilder\Tutorials\Complete\II. Applications\04. End-User with Custom
There is something else I would like to do, which is add some more
editable columns. What is the simplest way to add some additional columns,
specifically checkboxes and other text? The columns are new columns in the
rbItem table relating to additional things for the reports in question.
Ideally, rather than use a TppItemList, I'd like to use a DevExpress
Quantum Grid so the editing can be similar to the rest of the application
but I could cope with just adding new columns to the TppItemList.
Jeremy Knowles
This discussion has been closed.
- when you build a custom report explorer form, there is no requirement to
use any of the existing user interface controls, including TppItemList.
- the only requirement is that you descend from TppCustomReportExplorer
(which has no interface elements)and register your custom form class as the
new default. Tthe TppReportExplorer will create an instance of your custom
form and you will be able to access the public properties and methods of
TppReportExplorer from your ReportExplorerForm.
- if you have new fields of the rbItem table that you want to update when a
report is saved, I would use the Report.Template.OnSaveEnd event. This is in
fact what the TppReportExplorer to maintain the rbItems, only it uses
Report.Template events that are prefixed with 're', such as reOnSaveEnd. See
TppReportExplorer.ConfigureReportTemplate in ppRptExp.pas.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Jeremy Knowles