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Filter issue with the keywords "contains"

edited April 2012 in Datapipelines
I have run into a wall trying to figure out an issue with Report Builder
and I hope you can help me out. We have ReportBuilder 12.05 Build 224.
The issue is as follows.

We apply a filter on some data in our GUI, which is this:

select ID from MyTable where ID in (select Document.ObjectID from
Document left join DocumentContent on Document.DocumentID =
DocumentContent.DocumentID where Document.DocumentTypeID in (16454) and
contains( DocumentContent.Content, "Hi there" ))

This filter is applied succesfully. At this point, we run a report. I
have verified many times that the filter passed to ReportBuilder is the
filter above. However, the query ReportBuilder sends to the database is


( MyTable.ID IN

As you can see, all the spaces in the filter given to ReportBuilder have
been converted to commas. Needless to say, this causes the report to
fail. :-(

I am fairly sure the root cause of this issue is the keyword "contains"
in my filter. When I run other filters on that table, they all work
fine with the report. The only two that fail are the ones that have the
keyword "contains".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


  • edited April 2012
    Hi Anda,

    Which database and connectivity are you using with this report? Which
    version of Delphi are you using?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2012
    We use:
    -SQLServer 2008 R2
    -Embarcadero Delphi XE (we upgraded a few months ago from Delphi 7, but
    I am not sure if it related)
    -for connectivity we use a TADOConnection, I believe

  • edited April 2012
    Let me know if you need more info.
    Thank you for looking into this.

  • edited April 2012
    Hi Anda,

    Thanks for the info. I'm unfortunately having trouble recreating this
    here on my machine. I have SQL server to work with. If possible,
    please send a simple example demonstrating this behavior to
    support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip format and I'll take a look at it
    for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2012
    I have sent you an email. Please contact me if there is any help I can
    provide. Did the keyword 'contains' give you no problems when you tried
    it out?

  • edited April 2012
    Just wondering how it's going... I am not sure if you received my email...

  • edited April 2012
    Hi Anda,

    Sorry for the delayed response. We received your mail and are
    researching the issue. We will contact you via email if we need more

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.