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change ppdbtext.datapipeline

edited June 2007 in End User
I need to do a program that load a report, and find a ppdbtext and change
datapipeline and datafield of tppdbtext...

I do all but only change datafield and not datapipeline

code is similar to this :

for iCnt := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do
if( Self.Components[ iCnt ].ClassType = TppDBText )then
if ( ( AnsiCompareText( TppDBText(Self.Components[
iCnt ]).DataPipeline.Name, 'plClientes' ) = 0 ) OR
( AnsiCompareText( TppDBText(Self.Components[
iCnt ]).DataPipeline.UserName, 'plClientes' ) = 0 ) ) then

if ( AnsiCompareText( TppDBText(Self.Components[
iCnt ]).DataField, 'Empresa' ) = 0 ) then
TppDBText(Self.Components[ iCnt ]).DataPipeline.Name
:= 'plCabecera';
TppDBText(Self.Components[ iCnt ]).DataField :=
else if

ppInforme.Template.SaveToDatabase ;

what happens ?


Un saludo

Jaime Lloret.
Jefe de Desarrollo de Proyectos Software.

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