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Delphi Seattle DBEXpress to SQL Server table names missing

edited May 2016 in End User

I have the same application in different scenearios (delphi 2010 > RB14)
and (Delphi seatle > RB17) with a runtime report designer.

The previous version works as spected.

With the current version I cannot get anymore tablenames and fieldnames
in the query designer. Executing the report works propertly.

The database component resides in a different datamodule than the report.

Is there any way to get this working?



  • edited May 2016
    Hi Francisco,

    Are you trying to access your DB at design time or run time in the
    end-user designer?

    Are you certain the DBExpress plugin is properly installed into Delphi
    (for design-time)?

    Are you able to properly connect and access your SQL Server DB using
    DBExpress components without RB in D10 Seattle?

    Inside the DBExpress plugin (daDBExpress.pas) GetTableNames routine is
    called to retrieve the table names in your DB. If this is returning an
    empty list, it generally means that there is a connection issue.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2016
    El 16/05/2016 a las 20:30, Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) escribió:

    Resolved Nico, Thank you very much.

    I need to add a SchemaOverride=*.dbo in the params of the database. In
    older versions the library calls the GetTableNames with 'dbo' in newer
    versions it uses the database connection one (which is the correct way)

    Thank you
  • edited May 2016
    Thanks Francisco,

    I'm sure this information will be useful in the future.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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