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RTF and form feed

edited October 2002 in Devices
I have a report with only a ppRichedit inside, this ppRichedit is filled
with a RTF file (Done with Word)
That is a two page letter with a hard page break.

This report is perfect when I print it on a HP laserjet but when I print
it on a Epson Laser Jet the page break is not correct.
If I delete the hard Page break, using only blank lines, the result is
not the same on HP and Epson...

Any help ?



  • edited October 2002
    The rich text page break will not necessarily force a page break in the
    report. The report engine uses an rtf engine to render the rich text. The
    printer canvas is used to measure the available space, which is unique to
    each printer. The Epson and HP printers have different unprintable areas.
    This is what is causing the page break to be different. The HP happens to
    print exactly how you want the page to print, and the Epson has a different
    printable area so the pagination in the report is different. You will need
    to break the rtf data into two pieces in code and use static height
    TppRichText controls to print individual pages statically. There is a demo
    of manipulating rich text in Delphi code in the main reports demo #29.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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