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Re: Merge Reports

edited May 2004 in Devices
D6.02 RB.6.03

Hi there

I am trying to merge a number of separate reports into one report (which is
displayed on screen), without the use of subreports. ie

I found the link :-

which works great.

However, there are 2 problems :-

1. The preview window is not modal. When I change it to modal, the report
does not work correctly. Is there anyway to have the preview modal?
2. When I click the PRINT button in the preview window, it does not spool
the report out to the printer. Do I need to manually setup the

Do you have a detailed help manual which explains the 'in-depths' of
ReportBuilder eg How exactly the publisher etc work.??

Thanks Jen


  • edited May 2004
    Hi Jen,

    I'm not quite sure who coded this example initially for you and I'm not sure
    what they had in mind when they did. It's literally not intended to do
    anything except view a merged report on screen in a modal preview. Sorry
    about that. I went ahead and re-coded it the way it should have been in the
    first place :).


    On a side note: After working with the above example, I would definitely
    not recommend using that method to merge reports. A couple other options
    you might consider... (more stable, easier to understand, etc.)

    1. Archive Merge Utility: One of our customers developed a utility that
    will automatically merge any number of Report Archives into one. Many of
    our other customers use this utiliy successfully to create single a single
    report archive out of many existing archives to print. If you would like to
    try this free utility, please send an email requesting it to

    2. Subreport Reference: The example below shows how to merge two reports
    using dynamic subreports in a single new report. The example is advanced in
    that all the subreports are created in code, but this is purely optional. I
    feel this method is far more stable and easier to understand than the
    initial example.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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