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Numeration pages is mistaken

edited December 2005 in Devices
i'm using D7+Reportbuilder 9.01+TExtraDevices 2.92

when i try to combine several report into one i use the example code found
at Welar site (http://www.waler.com/textradevices_faq.htm#faq5)


uses ppSubRpt, ppTypes;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var
I: Integer; SubList, RptList: TList; MasterRpt: TppReport; SR:
TppSubReport;begin SubList := TList.Create; RptList := TList.Create;
RptList.Add(ppReport1); // Add your own reports here!
RptList.Add(ppReport2); MasterRpt := TppReport.Create(Self);
MasterRpt.CreateDefaultBands; MasterRpt.RemoveBand(MasterRpt.HeaderBand);
MasterRpt.RemoveBand(MasterRpt.FooterBand); for I := 0 to RptList.Count -
1 do begin SR := TppSubReport.Create(Self); SR.Band :=
MasterRpt.DetailBand; SR.SetReportProperty(TppReport(RptList[I]));
SR.PrintBehavior := pbSection; SR.Report.PassSetting := psTwoPass;
SR.ResetPageNo := False; SubList.Add(SR); end;
MasterRpt.TextFileName := 'MASTER.PDF'; MasterRpt.AllowPrintToFile :=
True; MasterRpt.ShowPrintDialog := True; MasterRpt.DeviceType :=
'PDFFile'; MasterRpt.Print; for I := 0 to SubList.Count - 1 do begin
TppSubReport(SubList[I]).Free; end; RptList.Free; SubList.Free;

...... but the numeration of the pages is mistaken .....

for example pag 1 of 5 it becames ----> pag 1 of 1
pag 2 of 5 it becames ----> pag 2 of 2
pag 3 of 5 it becames ----> pag 3 of 3
pag 4 of 5 it becames ----> pag 4 of 4
pag 5 of 5 it becames -----> pag 5 of 5

this in preview and print.

Can you help me .....

Sorry for my orrible english ..... thanks in advance



  • edited December 2005

    That type of page numbering requires a two pass report.

    Try adding a line of code to set the Report.PassSetting to psTwoPass...



    MasterRpt := TppReport.Create(Self);
    MasterRpt.PassSetting := psTwoPass;

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2005
    It work fine !!!!!!

    Thank and Heppy New Year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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