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Continuous printing - the mission :o)

edited January 2006 in Devices
Hello, I got all tricks and clues about printing in continous paper.
My problem is that I seem one message in this forum about the
EndPage method. Really, when I take out the line "windows.EndPage"
my problem end, but when the report have more than 1 page, it's
prints line over other lines...
Well, I need anything that makes the "windows.EndPage" accept
the paper size that I typed, in this case, one line height.

Thanks a lot.


  • edited January 2006
    Hi Kleber,

    Have you taken a look at the following article. We have many customers
    using this method successfully.

    Article: Printing to Continuous Paper

    1. Layout

    For continuous printing (for example a receipt) use Title/Summary and
    removing the Header/Footer. Set the PrintHeight of each to phDynamic. Layout
    the DetailBand to print a single line item. Set the margins to 0 or to the
    smallest that the printer driver will support (some printers have an
    unprintable area).

    With this configuration The Report will generate a Title followed by a
    variable number of Detail bands that span pages if needed, and then finally
    print a Summary at the end.

    2. Pagination

    a. dtPrinter

    Some printer drivers have a continuous paper size setting. If not then try
    setting the paper size to be very small - perhaps the size of the tallest
    band in the layout. Or try setting the page height to be the size of a
    detail band. Note that some printer drivers will only accept page sizes
    within a certain range of paper sizes.

    b. dtReportTextFile

    With the above layout, the report text file will generate the page breaks
    properly, however the device will fill up a page with blank lines. You can
    control the number of lines per page by configuring the CharacterGrid
    property in the Report.BeforePrint event:


    procedure TForm1.ppReport1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    lDevice: TppReportTextFileDevice;

    if (ppReport1.FileDevice <> nil) and (ppReport1.FileDevice is
    lDevice := TppReportTextFileDevice(ppReport1.FileDevice);

    {120 characters per line, 66 lines per page}
    lDevice.CharacterGrid(120, 66);



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2006
    Yes, Mr. Cizik

    I did hard tests about this, and this just work
    when I change the printer driver.
    My printer is LX-300+, then, don't work correctly.
    The paper eject, without set the size of my paper.
    When I change the driver to LX-300, the printing
    keep perfect.

    Can you tell me about?

    Thank u very much!

  • edited January 2006
    Hi Kleber,

    This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder. RB uses the same Windows API
    commands to communicate with the printer driver for every printer. Be sure
    you are using the latest version of the LX-300+ driver.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2006
    Hello, :o(

    if you run the Demo program of RBuilder, you'll see that if I choose a paper
    size as 3x4 inches, the
    printer eject at the end of the form.
    But, when I send a print job in the program as 5x5 inches, the printer stop
    immediatly after the square.
    I got the LX-300+ printer driver, downloaded at: www.epson.com.br (I'm from

    Thanks a lot.

  • edited January 2006
    Hi Kleber,

    Which demo are you using? I do not believe we provide any demos for use
    with continuous paper printers. It is also difficult for me to recreate
    this issue on my machine due to the fact that I do not have the Epson
    printer you are using. I can download the driver, however will only be able
    to see the report on screen as you do.

    One other option might be to export your report to a text file and print
    from there using Delphi's TPrinter object.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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