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Problems with transporting printer settings using DEVMODE

edited September 2006 in Devices

I have the feeling, that RB has great problems with assigning printer
settings from outer/other sources... I really tried a lot of variations,
and I got to the point that I think I wasted my money on this reporting

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
GetMem(FDevice, 500);
GetMem(FDriver, 500);
GetMem(FPort, 500);
if PrintDialog1.Execute then
Printer().GetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, DeviceMode);
if DeviceMode = 0 then
Printer().GetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, DeviceMode);
Memo1.Lines.Add('PrintDialog:' + FDevice);
DevMode := GlobalLock(DeviceMode);
ppReport1.DeviceType := dtPrinter;

FreeMem(FDevice, 500);
FreeMem(FDriver, 500);
FreeMem(FPort, 500);

You won't guess what happens: Memo1 contains the name of the printer
selected in PrintDialog1, but our 'beloved' RB prints it to the default
I mean for RB there is THE ONE AND ONLY "DEFAULT" PRINTER!!!
I never read in my life so many useless, not functioning examples and
advices like in this newsgroup...

Have a nice day (hopefully with a another reporting tool)!

Zsolt Balanyi


  • edited September 2006

    Please read the newsgroup guidelines and conduct yourself accordingly. These
    newsgroups are a place for problem solving and colloboration about building
    world class reporting solutions.

    ReportBuilder does not use the Delphi TPrinter class because it is poorly
    designed and poorly implemented. Instead ReportBuilder defines its own set
    of Printer classes (TppPrinter, TppPrintserSetup, etc).

    Here is a simple solution to your example.


    // configure global printer to reflect report's printersetup
    ppPrinter().PrinterSetup := ppReport1.PrinterSetup;

    // show windows print dialog and update report.PrinterSetup as needed
    if ppPrinter().ShowSetupDialog then
    ppReport1().PrinterSetup := ppPrinter.PrinterSetup;

    I see the following mistakes in your code

    - you do not initialize the Delphi TPrinter with the Report's PrinterSetup
    - Report.Printer is read-only - it is only useful for obtaing a Printer that
    is configured with the Report.PrinterSetup information.
    - you need to use ppPrinter and first update ppPrinter.PrinterName and then
    the DevMode. The Windows DevMode is relevant for a specific printer, it does
    not contain the printer name.
    - once you have updated the ppPrinter PrinterName and DevMode, then you can
    update Report.PrinterSetup with ppPrinter.PrinterSetup.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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