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PDF, ppRichView and ExtraDev Problem.

edited January 2008 in Devices

Boa tarde.

Estou com problema na gera??o de PDF, no componente ppRichView.

Ao tentar exportar para PDF com o RB10, o texto do RichView com fonte
tamanho 6 fica com qualidade p?ssima.

E ao exportar com o ExtraDevice 3.00 n?o aparece o texto.

Tambem gostaria de saber se ? poss?vel exportar o RichView em formato texto
ao inv?s de imagem.

Minhas vers?es: Delphi6, ReportBuilder 10.07, RichView 1.9.47, RichView
Action 1.58, ppRichView 1.7.1

Exemplo em anexo.



Good afternoon.

I am having problem in the generation of PDF, in ppRichView component.

When trying to export to PDF with the RB10, the text of RichView with source
sizes 6 to quality is terrible.

And while exporting to the ExtraDevice 3.00 does not appear the text.

Also I would like to know if it is possible to export the RichView in text
format rather than image.

My versions: Delphi6, ReportBuilder 10.07, RichView 1.9.47, RichView Action
1.58, ppRichView 1.7.1

Example attached.

Thanks ....
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