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Export to Html

edited June 2014 in Devices
I found that TppXHTMLInstructionDivCreator have CSSSheet: TppXHTMLCSSSheet.
But for assign (use) it I have to fully rewrite some of TppXHTMLStyle
object now.

As example, for TppXHTMLStyleSingleFile I have to copy it (as FXHTMLPage
is private) and override next methods:
ProcessPage, for create FCSSSheet;
ConvertInstructionsToXTHML, for assign FCSSSheet to DivCreator;
EndJob, for add FCSSSheet to XHTMLPage.HeadNode.

Can you add CSSSheet and property GlobalCSS: boolean to TppXHTMLStyle for
simplify this issue.

Additionally, I found that TppXHTMLStyle contains (but not used)
OutlineRoot: TppOutlineNode.
Do you have any plans or ideas to used (export) Outline in Html? Or I have
to do this my self?


  • edited June 2014
    Hi Dima,

    What are trying to accomplish?

    TppHtmlDevice is meant to be a simple device that produces a single html
    page that contains the report pages and embeds the style info in the html
    document. By design it does not use CSS nor does it use the report Outline.
    There is a class framework in place to create something more sophisticated.
    That is where RB Server Edition comes in.

    RB Server Edition includes an XHTMLDevice that implements an XHTML Report
    Previewer, that is similar to the RB Delphi code Previewer. The XHTML Viewer
    implements CSS, Javascript, etc and implements a toolbar with navigation
    buttons, the report outline, etc.

    There are many different ways to go about creating HTML report output. For
    example, it would be cool to have html output that did not use Div tags
    since Outlook no longer supports them. That is on our ToDo list for a while
    now, but represents a big effort to implement.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2014
    Hi Nard.

    Thank you for your reply.

    So if I understand correctly, these properties have been added for the
    server version only.
    They are used in a server version. And you do not have any plans to use
    them in the Enterprise Edition.

    But can I be sure that the current functionality will be available in
    future releases?
    Can I use it in my modifications?

    What about HTML report output without Div tags - this would be good
    If I am not wrong, there was something in the old TExtraDevices (HTML that
    used tables instead div).

    And additionally, TExtraDevices can automatically generated simple page
    navigation links for multi-page reports, used internal style sheets (in
    XHTM version) to minimize file size, and have fine
    zoomable images option.

    This functionality I am trying to accomplish in my product.
    And I think that a lot of old users of TExtraDevices are waiting for this!

    I can do this my self, but:
    I add Data module in my reports more than 15 yeas ago and cannot used
    you Data in my application.
    I add Script module (that used JScript) for create options dialogs and
    as result, do not used Report.Params and AutoSearchField on this moment.
    And my end users have to used JScript on my script page and pascal on you
    Rap page.
    I add my components with borders and have to convert all of them back to
    standard one.
    I add QRCode component and spent time to convert it to you one.
    I add band selection support and now think how to make it available in
    MultiPage preview.
    I add my email module, and lot of lot of more.

    So I want to be sure that you have no plans to do the same.

    On Thu, 19 Jun 2014 00:24:46 +0300, Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors)
  • edited June 2014
    Thanks for the feedback.

    An 'HtmlTable' based device is on our ToDo list. Based on priority and
    resources it remains to be determine when that will get done. Using tables
    provides much less accuracy. It's only useful because some email clients
    (Outlook) quit supporting Div tags. I think if RB could be used to generate
    an html table based report and email it as html message content that would
    be a cool feature.

    RB Server Edition from the beginning included the XHTML Device and the
    'Styles' concept and the Web Viewer Style which runs in a browser and like
    the RB Previewer, is used to preview a report. Using Div tags provides great
    accuracy. The Web Viewer has a toolbar with a Print button, when the user
    presses the Print button a PDF document is generated and they can send this
    to their local printer or save etc.

    The RB Server XHTML Device was designed as a complex framework that could
    implement the Web Viewer, a local Viewer, and could accommodate adding other
    'Styles'. More recently we added the HtmlFile device to RB Std/Pro/Ent.

    PDF is a great format for email, for viewing in a browser, for printing etc.
    It provides precise accuracy, portability, can be saved, can be password
    protected. Based on feedback from customers, it is by far the most used
    format and has had the demand for adding more and more features.

    We use feedback from the developer community to determine what gets added to
    future releases. Thanks again.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.