New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Report Parameters and AutoSearch

edited September 2009 in DADE
The DM website displays the following feature/functionality ... AutoSearch
panels for Lookups (displays combobox with picklist)

This is what we want to provide to our customers, but we cannot find any
documentation or demos that describe how to configure a report with
AutoSearch lookup combo boxes.

Any help is appreciated.



  • edited September 2009
    Hello Patrik,
    today i have played a little bit with it.
    When you are in layoutmode and have the rulers on, then in the corner of the
    both rulers is a symbol. Click on it and in the object inspector you will
    see the options of the report.

    There is a parameter field so you can insert in design mode parameters and
    also a lookup. The lookup can be static (sringlist) or you can select a
    datasource with a pait value/display. Also it is possible to set an alias

    When you have typed in some lookups, you can then go to the datapage, select
    search tab and insert a parameter. if you have befor inserted some, be shure
    you have set the right datatype (string, date etc.).

    Then in preview you will see the autodialog and also the picklist.

    Because the same parameter can be used in diffrent querys it is very

    Hope it helps a little bit

    Chris (Eulanda)
    International ERP Solutions

  • edited September 2009

    Thanks. This helps ... but, I was hoping to see functionality similar to
    lookup combobox behavior (similar to DevExpress Lookup ComboBox) where the
    picklist is auto-magically constructed for the desired data column.

    Asking the user to construct their own picklist seems to defeat the purpose


  • edited September 2009
    Hello Patrick,

    but if you use a table in database for making lookup, you have a dynamic
    lists inside your "comboboxes". In our database we have lot of special SQL
    views for such lookup commands which stores pairs auf "value/display name".
    Internally we make an additional prove of the users frontend language and
    translate also the display value in his language inside that view.
    In this case using a table the user must not type in any commands in the
    report. Or do you mean a history for new typed in words by the user?
    If i had not understood all well, let me know it.
    Have a nice Sunday.

    Chris (Eulanda)
    International ERP Solutions

  • edited September 2009

    Thanks. I think what you describe...is what I am looking for regarding the

    We want the End User to be able to use the Report Designer to define a
    lookup at runtime. What we cannot locate is the help text or tutorial that
    describes the steps required to accomplish this.

    As an example, if we have a Customer Report ... are you suggesting that we
    define a separate DataView on the Customer table to construct a lookup combo
    on the Customer Name field? If yes, how do we connect this data view to the
    report so that the lookup combobox appears in the AutoSearch dialog at

    Thanks, Patrick

  • edited September 2009
    Hi Patrick,

    If you create a separate dataset (in the Data Tab) simply containing the
    customer names, you can then assign the
    TppParameter.LookupSettings.DataPipeline property to that dataview and the
    ValueField property to the corresponding field that contains the customer
    names. Take a look at the TppLookupSettings help topic for more information
    on this feature.

    Next, if you would like the lookup list you just created to be used in the
    RB AutoSearch interface, you can use the TppParameter.AutoSearchSettings
    property. Setting the Enabled property to True will allow your users to
    select a value from the lookup list before running the report or by
    selecting the magnifying glass button in the preview. See the
    TppAutoSearchSettings help topic for more information on this feature.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009

    Thanks. I don't want to seem too stupid, but is there a more verbose
    (step-by-step) narrative that describes the steps to accomplish a dropdown
    lookup combobox in the AutoSearch popup dialogue?

    If I create a second DataView, do I need to create a Parameter against the
    initial DataView and set DataPipeline and Field values to the second

    I'm a bit lost on how to create a lookup combo box in the AutoSearch
    dialogue ... something that our users will want/need to do at runtime.


  • edited September 2009
    Hi Patrick,

    Not to worry, there's no such thing as a "stupid" question on here. The
    parameters feature can be confusing at first however once all the pieces are
    in place, it can be a very useful and powerful feature for you and your

    I will create a step-by-step article on our Wiki site with some parameter
    fundamentals however for now here is a simple example and some instructions.

    1. Parameters are added to the report using the Report Tree. Enable the
    Report Tree by selecting the View | Toolbars | Report Tree main menu option
    in the designer. Near the top just under the Report object, you will see a
    "Parameters" icon. Right click this and select "New" to create a new
    parameter. A new parameter icon should now appear.

    2. Now move to the data tab of the designer. You will need to create two
    datasets, one for the data to be displayed on the report and one to return
    the lookup list of available search options. In the example, the customer
    dataset is added to be used by the report and a second customer dataset is
    added only returning the CustNo field to be used as the lookup list for

    3. Now you need to link the parameter to the search condition in the main
    dataset. Do this by selecting the magnifying glass from the dataview
    toolbar and adding a search condition. There is no need for a value however
    you need to define the parameter to be used. Also be sure the AutoSearch
    checkbox is checked.

    4. Move back to the Design tab and click the newly created parameter icon
    in the Report Tree. Below the Report Tree in the Report Object Inspector
    you will see the properties for the parameter selected. Expand the
    LookupSettings property and set the DataPipeline property to the lookup
    dataset you just created. Next assign the ValueField property to the field
    containing the lookup values (in the example this is CustNo). Finally
    further down, expand the AutoSearchSettings property and check the Enabled

    5. That's it, move to the Preview tab of the report and click the
    magnifying glass in the toolbar to show the autosearch dialog with a
    dropdown list of all customer numbers to search on.

    Here is an example of what I explained above. Hope this helps and let me
    know if you have any further questions.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009

    THANKS. This has been very helpful and removed the confusion. It's now
    clear to us ... which we can extend to our users ... the use of User-defined
    lookup lists and explicitly defined lookups based on existing data.

    You folks have an excellent technology and support ... which results in our
    ability to provide leading edge solutions to our users.

    Regards, Patrick

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