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support on rap script

edited October 2002 in RAP
Since I tried using the report builder trial version 7.0, I was quite
appreciated the features on it, especially on rap script.

I am currently going to develop an application that is going to be
distribute together with the reports that is created using report builder
enterprise version 7.0. But before making these decision, I would like to
know the following:

1.. Any special features supported in rap script that report builder is
provided that I don't need to resolve to Delphi code ?
2.. I found out one of the features like rap didn't support the data
traversal complete event on rap script , and I could do it only on extending
rap script , but is there any good way ? since I am not sure how to
distribute this solution to end-user if the end-user required to have report
generated that need these event [ report with no datapipeline ].
3.. Is there any similar to senario in 2 ? as it is important for me to
get know all the possibilities that the end- user would ask me, on how to
make changes on report by themselves using rap script.


  • edited October 2002
    If there is something that RAP isn't aware of, then you can create RAP pass
    though functions to call Delphi code to execute it. There are RAP pass-
    through function examples in the RBuilder\Demos\0.RAP installation
    directory. If RAP doesn't support an event, then you'll need to code the
    event handler in Delphi. If you want to use a "DataTraversalCompleted"
    event, then use the Report.AfterPrint event.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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