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Entry Point Error when trying to add pass through function

edited October 2002 in RAP
I am using the IBO connection as is from the Demo. We have the Report
Designer setup in a run-time package. Our applications passes the
DBConnection Handle to the package and the Report Explorer executes.
Everything initially works fine. I can add folders, create and edit
reports. I went to add a pass through function for some report
functionality (just reading a global variable that gets passed into the
package when FormReportBuilder is created). Upon running the application
itself, I get the follow message:

entry point error
@RaFunc@TraSystemFunction@ExecuteFunction$qqrp19Pprtti@TraParamList could
not be located in the dynamic link library rbRAP55.bpl.

I have another application that works just fine, but we don't have the
Designer in a run-time package like this one is? Are there known issues
with this?


  • edited October 2002
    Sounds like you have multiple versions of the same rb*.bpls on your system.
    Can you build our RAP demo with runtime packages? It works in tests here.
    Check you machine for all old bpls and dcps and you may want to follow the
    corrupt installation procedure in the tech-tips installation thread to clean
    you machine of RB and reinstall.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    Found it ... Its the old inherited call in an abstract function. The Code
    Completion threw it in there automatically.

    Thanks for the help though.

    Chris Michalec

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