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Way to show record number

edited October 2002 in RAP
is there any way to show number of record generated in report using rap
script , as if i am able to know the number of record then i think i might
manage to show the particular number of record in some range manually ....



  • edited October 2002
    The reason you can't call this from RAP is that end users might call it too
    often. You don't want to check this unless you have to. The reason is that
    it returns all the records from the dataset in order to determine the count.
    This is slow.

    You will have to create a RAP pass through function to get the count
    surfaced in RAP. Pass the Report.DataPipeline as a parameter of the
    function. See the RAP demos and tutorials in your installation in order to
    see examples of creating RAP pass through functions.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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