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RAP change does not trigger D6 SaveAll Btn

edited November 2002 in RAP
Using D6 Pro, SP2; RB Ent ver 7.0; Win 2000. Plenty of memory and HDD space.

When working on coding Event handlers in the Calc Tab area, a change does
not cause the D6 IDE [SaveAll] button to be enabled. So if I then run the
program and run the report the recent changes are not in effect. Pressing
the D6 IDE [Save] button change nothing.

So after changing the event handlers in the Calc Tab area I have to switch
to the Design tab, make a minor change, Press [Save All], run the program,
run the report and the changes are in effect in the form.

After altering an event handler if I press the RB [File | Save] button the
changes take effect correctly.

My point is changes to made in the Calc Tab area are handled in the D6 IDE
different than changes in the Design Tab area.

Not a high priority topic.




  • edited December 2002
    That is the same configuration I'm running. Just by launching the report
    designer, the SaveAll button gets enabled in the Delphi IDE when a RAP event
    handler is in the template. I also opened a report with no RAP event
    handlers. Byu creating a new RAP event handler, the SaveALL button becomes
    enabled as expected.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002
    Hi Jim

    Today my system behaves correctly. A puzzle. If it happens again I will look

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