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Enduser sorting-dialog for the pipleine in RAP or DADE

edited December 2002 in RAP
Is there any posibility to tell the DADE the sorting order by enduserdialog?
So the user could click a sorting like the searchfields in the where-clause?

or is there any posibility to do this in RAP?



  • edited December 2002
    This would be difficult to support, because what would have to happen is
    that you users would have to reorder their groups to support the new sort
    selection. Then the variables which are reset to a group have to be changed
    and it can get kinda messy, more so than for a simple table dump report
    without nested groups. Sure, if you have a simple one group report, it may
    not be too bad to create a form before the report prints and let the user
    pick the sort order, similar to the autosearch dialog. You'll have to
    extract the SQL object from the dataview the report is connected to and then
    use the selected order by field that the user picked from a list, and change
    or add the order by field object. The tip below adds an order by field as an


    Here is an example or reordering the order by's on a dataview in code:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002
    Thanky you,

    i have looked at OrderBy-example.

    do you think, that it is possible to change the sort with the technic and a
    passthrough, so i can select a Dialog in RAP, lets the user pick some
    Sort-commands and then restructue the sql-command and recall the Data from
    the sql-server?

    What event in RAP had to be used to insert such a passtrough?

    As an Idea, in DataTab make in the sorting page some options. So the
    designer couuld insert 5, 10 or what ever sort-options, give them a name
    like "default", "Sorted by customer no", "Sorted by zip" and so on. put this
    in a secondary icon in the preview, so the user can select one of the
    "designed" sorted commands.
    This would be easier to implement for you, and the developer could build
    better reports with more flexibility.


  • edited December 2002
    In RAP, use the global OnCreate event. The Report.BeforePrint and
    OnGetAutosearchValues fire too late.

    You can build a custom preview plugin that adds these buttons and performs a
    new operation when they click it and rerun the report just like autosearch



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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