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Jit Pipeline with RAP

edited December 2002 in RAP

Can I create a JIT pipeline from RAP in Report Builder EndUser?

I need to create for example some reports with a number of records
depending of some field in a table.

For example my database has a table called ITEM with the following

ItemNmr string
Description string
Labels Integer

With pass-through functions I can get ItemNmr and Labels fields and I
would like to create a Jit pipeline with the number of records of Labels.

What is the better way to do that?


Jose Maria Sanmartin


  • edited December 2002
    Create the JITPipeline on a form and then use it for the report by calling
    RAP passthrough functions to configure it, rather than creating it in RAP.
    You could create a JITPipeline in the global OnCreate event of RAP and then
    free it in the global OnDestroy event in RAP. You can see that RecordCount
    and InitialIndex are published, as well as all the event handlers. However,
    you would have to assign event handlers, and RAP does not supports this. RAP
    doens't know that it can assign an event handler to an object which is going
    to be created in RAP. The end result is that you should place the
    JITPipeline on the form and use Delphi event handlers for it.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002

    Once I have created a JIT pipeline in a form and configure through RAP,
    can I use it with Report Builder End User?

    Do you have any example?

    The idea is to have about 5 different reports with the same data
    (different layout), so I didn't want to loss the funcionality of End User.


    Jose Maria Sanmartin

  • edited December 2002
    An end user can select the JITPipeline from the Report | Data menu in the
    designer. You could use the Report.Template events to set teh visibility of
    the JITPipeline(s) so that the ones the user wants for the report are
    visible. If a pipeline is not visible, then it will not be shown in the
    Report | Data list of selectable pipelines.

    Another approach is to wrap the JIT inside of a custom dataview template in

    Here are a couple of tips we've put together:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002

    I will use a custom dataview template in DADE in order to have Report


    Jose Maria Sanmartin

This discussion has been closed.