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Saving Report to Database having DBTeeChart

edited January 2003 in RAP

I have RB 701 Ent., Delphi5 Ent., TeeChart5.02 full Ver. MsSQL200

In End User Databases Example (SQL Server 7 With Ado Con.)

After new Report, I use DBChart and Series.
First Seri Has Datapipeline and its drawing is OK.
Second seri is average of the first serie and its drawing is OK.
But after I save the report to database and repen then report there is no
second seri there.
There exists in legend but its drawing is not. When I edit chart the second
serie does not included in selected Serie in Datasource tab page.

Thanks in Advance
Deniz Tekin


  • edited January 2003

    There is also first AV then EInvalidPointer Exception ocuurs when I Close
    the program.
    But if I delete the second serie and save the report then there is no AV
    after I close the program.

    Deniz Tekin
  • edited January 2003
    We haven't added all the extended function series classes to be linked in by
    default. Add TeeEditPro to register the class to be linked in at runtime.
    This should also link in the other series classes as well.

    The AV you are getting is because Teechart source has some bad free
    notification setups, where some object references aren't nilled out when
    they are freed. When using Teechart in a form environment in a Delphi app,
    the timing works out (luckily) so that there isn't a problem. However, in
    RB, it is an entirely different environment and it causes an AV on close. We
    reported the issue to the Teechart authors a while back and where in their
    code the problem was, but have not seen a fix for this at this time.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2003
    But My problem is that I didnt save the second serie to the database. I
    think there is a saving problem.
    If First and Second Serie have Datapipeline datasource there is no saving
    problem and AV problem. But
    If first Serie has Datapipeline Datasource and the Second one has average
    funcrion of the first one then
    the second serie doesnt saved and AV occurs.

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