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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Negative Numbers by PageNo

edited January 2003 in RAP

We are using here RB 7,.0 on Delphi 5.0.
We have a report with a GroupBreak which is setting back the Page numbers

On the First pass the Report.PageNo tells 1,2.3,...,n
On the second pass the PageNo tells -n,...,-2,-1,0

Is this normal? And what have i to do to get the same as in the first

The report isn't a easy one there a 3 Subreports ( 2 child / 1 section )

Greetings Ren?

PS: Sorry about my terrible english


  • edited January 2003
    No, that is not normal! We have not expereinced this behavior nor heard any
    reports of this problem. Could you send us a simple demo report which shows
    the problem to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2003

    Hi Jim,

    our application is very complex and needs a Oracle-Database running.

    We would be able to set up a database on one of our computers.

    You would be able to connect onto this machine via an oracle 9.02 client
    over the internet.

    We then can give you a compiled version of our program in whitch the report
    builder is implemented. This version will then be able to connect to our
    database over tns.

    Is this a way ???

    Greetings Ren?

  • edited January 2003
    Hi Rene,

    No, we would need to debug a simple application using non-confidential
    (demo) data. Are there any event handlers for this report? If yes, what are
    they doing? Can you disconnect them unti lthe problem goes away? This is
    what we will do to a sample you send. We will pare it down incrementally
    until we can find out what was the cause of the problem. Then add the part
    we removed to get it working and start using breakpoints in the code from
    there on. Is there any way you can simplify the report until the problem
    goes away (ie. remove event handlers and as much content from the report as
    you can).


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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