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List of event procedures

edited January 2003 in RAP

I am using the CodeModule to get the list of events that
have code connected to them but it does not seem to
include the events in subreports. Do I need to recurse
thru bands and subreport to get a complete list? I
tried the use AllGlobalPrograms but while the
AllGlobalProgramCount is a number the AllGloblalPrograms[x]
seems to always be nil.

Any insight into the difference between AllGlobalPrograms
and GlobalProgram and AllPrograms and Program would
be appreciated.

Joseph Gordon


  • edited January 2003
    Global programs are global for the report and across subreports. Programs
    are for the individual reports (Subreport.Report). You should be able to
    call GetDatamodule on the Subreport.Report object to get the subreport's
    code module. Use the report object loop tech-tip article to get at the
    Subreport.Report recursively.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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