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Let's compile a list of RAP pass-through and RTTI components...

edited January 2003 in RAP
Hi All,

I've been working with RB for years, and I've created a handful of useful
pass-through functions and some RTTI components. I've used this newgroup
countless time to figure out problems, and many times I've found solutions
that others have already implemented. It seems to me that it would make
sense for the RB community to bring together our collective abilities and
compile a set of useful pass-through functions and RTTI components that we
can share with everyone else.

I realize that there are certain functions that developers have created for
very specific needs, and those migth not be very useful in the general
sense, but I also realize that there are lots of functions and components
that are generic enough to be useful for a very broad group of developers.

For example, I created some pass-through functions to create and manipulate
ADOExpress objects in RAP, and another set of functions to create and
manipulate TeeCharts and series in RAP. These functions are generic enough
that they would be useful to others.

I propose that we discuss creating some kind of repository (web site, ftp
site, etc.) where we can share our own code, and have access to what others
have shared.

If you're interested in this proposal, please post responses here and we can
all discuss how best to accomplish this. I'd be willing to setup a site to
handle it, or be responsible for compiling things together and making them
available to everyone.



  • edited February 2003
    why not.
    I have documenmted all function (incl. my passthrough) in the web.

    One is to execute SQL-Statements directly from RAP. With this you can modify
    your database. So you can build in a print counter for forms. But also you
    can read a SQL field with your own sql-command. Some mailfunctions,
    stringmanipulation, some operatingsystemfunction and so on.

    Its in german, but the procedureheader are in english.


  • edited February 2003
    Yeah, that?s agood idea! I am willing to share our PTFs too.

    Bernd (dato)

  • edited February 2003
    To DM:

    Is there a webspace for sharing RAP pass-through and RTTI components?

  • edited February 2003
    Sounds cool. We could also consider a 'binaries' newsgroup in which the post
    body would include a short description of what the function does and an
    attachment for the code of the single pass through function. This way anyone
    can easily search via a news reader.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.