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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2


edited February 2003 in RAP

We use RBuilder Enterprise 6.03 with Delphi 6 enterprise.
Our reports are stored in an SQL Server DB.
Reports are made using RAP.

We want to do the following:
1) Master DADE Query with autosearchfields (1 + 2)
2) Another DADE Query with autosearchfields (3 + 4). This query is not
related to the first one. It is displayed in a subreport in the summary

What I want to do is:
Set parameter 3 = parameter 1
set parameter 4 = parameter 2

the parameters are dates, so I would let the user specify the dates once,
and put them myself to the other query.
There is something like 'Report.AutoSearchFields[x] := yyyyy'
But this does not seem to work over more than 1 query.

Any ideas? I would like to solve this problem using RAP code if possible.

Wouter Devos
XLent Solutions


  • edited February 2003
    Try it in Delphi code first, then port it to RAP. You may have to create a
    RAP pass through function to implement anythign that isn't currently
    surfaced in RAP. If the second query has DADE defined autosearch criteria
    objects ont eh dataview, then there should be autosearch fields created as a
    result. There should also be two tabs in the autosearch dialog to show the
    different search criteria, 1 and 2 on the first tab, and 3 and 4 on the
    second tab. If you want to simply define criteria on the second dataview,
    then you'll have to use the OnGetAutosearchValues event of the report in
    order to set the criteria values directly on the detail SQL object. Here is
    an example of altering the criteria on a SQL object. You'll have to find the
    dataview in code for the subreport. Also, check out the autosearch demos.
    There is one which alters the autosearch search expression for the
    autosearch fields that are created at runtime to support the DADE search



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited February 2003

    Thanks for the help. I was mistaken about the AutoSearchFieldCount.
    Everything works like it should be.
    So in the OnGetAutoSearchValues, you can set every value you want. I don't
    even need to write any Delphi or pass through code.

    Wouter Devos
    XLent Solutions

  • edited February 2003

    Would you mind sharing some hints on how you did this? I think I have the
    same problem. I've got two dataviews, and both of them should search within
    a daterange, and I want them to use the same daterange (the user only has to
    input it once).
    I've tried writing to the Criterias in several ways, and on several Event
    handlers, but with no success. Did you solve it with GetSQLObject ? And on
    what Event handler?

    Best Regards,

  • edited February 2003

    My problem was with an SQL statement (DADE SQL), and another (fixed) DADE
    SQL. Only the second SQL statement had to have the same date range of the

    In the OnGetSearchValues event, I did the following
    Report.AutoSearchFields[5].SearchExpression :=
    (where parameter 5 is the first parameter of the second SQL). You have to
    number all autosearchfields, beginning with 0.
    You need to specify all dates with the AutoSearch checkbox. The only thing
    I did was creating my own autosearchforms. So when I need a date range I
    only ask a beginning and ending date. These dates I fill in the first
    autosearchvalues of the first query, and in the OnGetAutoSearchValues event,
    I set the parameters for the second query.

    I did this all in the end-userd environment, so no GetSQLObject routine was

    If you want some more information, please ask.

    Wouter Devos

  • edited February 2003


    I wanted to avoid having to customize the searchform, because we have
    already made our own customized version of this (to make it work/look the
    same on the web).

    I guess I'll find a way. Maybe by changing our custom searchform again into
    autodetecting searches on the same field in the same table, and then
    prompting for only one input.

    Best Regards,


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