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6.02 RAP

edited April 2003 in RAP
I know this is going quite a long way back, but I am using RB6.02 with D5.
I am trying to include RAP in my app for the first time, but I'm running
into some problems.
I have edited ppDsgner and ppEndUsr, and if I try to add raIDE to my uses
clause, I get the message "unit raClcDlg was compiled with a different
version of ppDsgner.TppDesignerWindow".
Any help as to how to get round this problem would be most appreciated.
Ian Sturgeon


  • edited April 2003

    Since we do not include the source code to RAP, if you change the interface
    section of any RB source, RAP will no longer work. If you need to use RAP,
    please reinstall ReportBuilder and replace all the changed code with the

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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