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How can I maximise the PrviewForm in Code.

edited May 2003 in RAP
In PreviewFormCreate event normally I use,
ppReport1.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;

How can the same be applied in RAP ?




  • edited May 2003
    In RAP, reference the Report.PreviewFormSettings.ZoomPercentage and
    WindowState properties accordingly. Use the
    Report.OnAssignPreviewFormSettings event or any earlier event, such as the
    global OnCreate. You'll need RB 7.0 or greater to use this new property.
    Previously, you would need to use the Report.OnPreviewFormCreate event:

    Tech Tip: Controlling the Built-in Previewer

    You can control the built-in preview form via the
    Report.OnPreviewFormCreate event.

    For example the following code sets the Print Preview form to
    maximized and sets the Viewer ZoomSetting to 100%:

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
    TppViewer(ppReport1.PreviewForm.Viewer).ZoomSetting := zs100Percent;


    Note: You will need to add ppViewr to the uses clause of your unit,
    so that the ZoomSetting enumerated type is recognized by the

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    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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