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Using DBCalcs with fields that were computed in SQL

edited May 2003 in RAP
These are the circumstances.

1) My dataview contains a field created from an SQL Count of another field.
2) Sometimes the count field value is null because there are no records
satisfying the criteria
3) I am using a DBCalc to display a column total of all the counts in the

The problem is that the report engine is resetting the value returned by the
DBCalc to 0 whenever it encounters a blank count rather than treating it as
zero. I need it to treat them as zeros so that I get a total of the whole
column rather than just the total of the values since the last blank value.

I realise this is probably a bit hard to imagine so here is an example of
what is happening.

Name Count of Categ 1 Count of Categ 2 Count of
Categ 3 Count of Categ 4

Fred Bloggs 10 10
Joe Smith 10 10
Dave Harris 10
10 10
Totals 0 30
10 20

This is a vastly simplified version, I realise I could use variables for
each value in the detail and then acculmulate total values but this really
makes it complicated and hard for my users if they want to do reports
similar to this themselves. I think that the blanks should be treated as
zeros. The blank when zero setting has no effect at all.


Rhonda Ridge


  • edited May 2003
    This is not a knwon issue. What version of RB are you using? Do you have
    groups? Is the group resetting the value? Can you test with RB 7.02 to see
    if the problem goes away? Can you send a minimal working example using
    DBDEMOS data to support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll research the issue.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    Using RB 7.01 with Delphi 7 and Interbase.

    Not using groups.

    Cannot test with 7.02 at the moment but am emailing an example.

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