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Referencing input parameters for SQL in report

edited May 2003 in RAP
Hi, I have a report that is saved in a database via its template. The data
is coming from a stored procedure with an SQL statement that calls it from
my ibQuery object. I would like to list the input parameters that were
passed to this stored procedure on my report. I know I can do this by
having my stored procedure return the input parameters back to me, but it
seems that there should be another way to do this. And of course this needs
to be done in RAP.

If I have not explained this situation well enough, just let me know as this
is all still new to me.



  • edited May 2003
    Do you mean autosearch? Then call Report.GetAutosearchDescriptionLines,
    passing a TppMemo.Lines object. See the autosearch demos for an example of


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    No we are not using autosearch. We have an ISAPI program that is sending
    the report request to web tier via a URL (and passing the parameters through
    the URL string). I am hoping there is a way to interpret what the stored
    procedure parameters are via RAP without having to essentially echo them
    back as output fields in the stored procedure.


  • edited May 2003
    You'll have to create a RAP pass through function in order to access the
    parameters that you set on the stored proc. There are examples of creating
    RAP pass through funciton in the RAP tutorials and demo in the RBuilder


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    Not exactly what I was hoping to hear, but at least it can be done. I'll
    tackle that new learning experience next week with a fresh brain (if I can
    find one ).

    Expect more questions then.

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