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What unit for RAP ?

edited June 2003 in RAP

Actually, I code a soft with RBuilder Enterprise 6.03. Later, the code will
be used with Delphi + RBuilder 7 Pro.
Will the report be compatible with RBuilder PRO if I don't use RAP in the
current code???



  • edited June 2003
    Yes, it should be compatible. Make sure that you don't use RAP and that it
    is not saved in the template. Otherwise, you'll get an Exception when the
    template loads in RB Pro which has RAP code in it.

    Why not use RAP now in RB 6.03 and use Delphi + RBuilder 7 Enterprise?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2003
    Thanks !

    Only because my enterprise work with D6 and RBuilder Enterprise and we
    create source code for a customer which has bought RBuilder pro 7 for D6
    ... So I need to know if the final code will be correct for the customer ...
  • edited June 2003
    As long as you don't use RAP you should be fine. Double check your source to
    make sure you don't have raCodeModule or ra* units listed in the uses clause
    before you give your customer the source.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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