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Wish: Raising Exceptions in PassTru functions

edited June 2003 in RAP
When I raise an exception in a passthru function, the enduser simply gets
the message that xxxx.Onprint didi not execute. But the message of the
exception is not displayed.

Wouldn?t it be possible to add the original info to this dialog?



  • edited June 2003
    RAP handles the exception and gracefully continues execution, showing the
    generic cannot execute the event handler message. Since RAP handles the
    exception, you could show a description message to the user why something
    did not work in the pass through function. Perhaps that could be a RAP
    optionon the designer, something like roDescriptivePTFErrors? Thanks for the


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2003
    > RAP handles the exception and gracefully continues execution, showing the

    The exception might occur at places where I do not know (or do not need to
    know) wheter called from within RAP or outside of RAP. So showing a message
    is no option here. Just append the original execption text to the generic.

    Or is this too a replacable form?

    Thankas you,

  • edited June 2003
    It isn't a replaceable form, it is a message box call. You can always
    perform a try except around your pass through function code to trap the
    exception and try to handle it yourself instead of letting the exception
    flow up to RAP's exception handling.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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