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Cannot assign a TppChildDBPipeline to a TppParameterList

edited July 2003 in RAP

after converting our reports to v7.02 we are getting an EConvertError with
message 'Cannot assign a TppChildDBPipeline to a TppParameterList', which
occurs in ppReport.pas, TraTppReportRTTI.SetPropValue (line 3033):

else if ppEqual(aPropName, 'DataPipeline') then
TppReport(aObject).Parameters := TppParameterList(aValue)

This is happening when changing a DataPipeline in ReportBeforePrint. I
understand from comments Jim Bennett made recently (in thread:
"Report.OnBeforePrint cannot switch DataPipeline in 7.02") that this is not
recommended. In some reports we can make changes to avoid this, however
there are times when this is not practical (i.e. if the reports main data
pipeline is empty, yet one of the subreports is not).

For now we have got around this by making the following temporary change,
however is there an official fix?

else if ppEqual(aPropName, 'DataPipeline') then
TppReport(aObject).DataPipeline := TppDataPipeline(aValue)
else if ppEqual(aPropName, 'Parameters') then
TppReport(aObject).Parameters := TppParameterList(aValue)



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