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edited July 2003 in RAP

Creating a calculation I cant seem to find the property that tells me how
many lines are in the memo field. Normally I would try Memo.Count but no
luck. How can I scroll through each line of a memo in RAP?




  • edited July 2003
    The memo wrapping is determined when the memo control is told to generate.
    One way to do this when the report is running is to use the Memo's
    OnDrawCommandCreate event. Typecast the drawcommand parameter as a
    TppDrawText and then lcheck its WrappedText TStrings property. This should
    be the lines and count you are after.

    Also, you'll need to add ppDrwCmd to your uses clause.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2003

    What if I just scroll through Lines[0], Lines[1], Lines[2] etc. The only
    question would be how to trap the error for a line outside the last line
    number? Alternatively, can you give me an example of code that would take a
    memo and concatenate the lines into one long string?



  • edited July 2003
    If you want to get the memo as one line then when the memo goes to print,
    call myLocalStringVar := Memo1.Lines.Text or pull the memo data directly
    from the datapipeline and place it in a string variable.

    If you are using a Memo control that the user entered data for, and not a
    DBMemo, then simply reference the Memo1.Lines.Count and then loop through
    the Memo1.Lines[] TStrings (TStringList) property.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited July 2003
    Hi Jim,

    I still haven't been able to do what I want despite all the help.

    My requirement is (from end-user RAP, not Delphi) to obtain a multi-lined
    memo field and display it as a single line. The memo in question is a
    multi-lined address field. Ideally I would like to separate each line of
    information on one line but separated buy a comma, but I can get by with
    spaces if this would work.

    How can I do this? Is there no way in RAP to obtain a line count?



  • edited July 2003
    As an end user in RAP, there are string functions surfaced. Use a TppLabel
    to show the memo data in one line out-of-the-box. If you want commas then
    code its OnGetText event. Read the data straight from the pipeline to a
    string variable. Then parse out the #13#10 CRLF characters using Pos() and
    Copy() functions surfaced in RAP. Then you should be able to perform any
    string manipulation that you want to have commas or spaces bewteen the lines
    in one line.

    {RAP code}
    procedure Label1OnGetText(var Text: String);
    lsText: String;
    lsText := JITPipeline1['MemoLines']; //a memo field with hard returns in
    Text := ProcessTheAddress(lsText);

    {Delphi code- data retrieved in a JIT for testing}

    function TmyEndUserSolution.ppJITPipeline1GetFieldValue(aFieldName: String):

    if (aFieldName = 'MemoLines') then
    Result := '4550 Bigtoe Road' + #13#10;
    Result := Result + 'Superior, Colorado' + #13#10;
    Result := Result + '12345';



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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