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Stopping all report from running

edited August 2003 in RAP

I have a report with a sub-report in the title of the report. Under certain
circumstances I want the report to print the sub-report, but not to continue
on and print the standard report as defined by groups and detail lines.
Where in RAP calculations would be the best place to prevent this? I have
tried making all the bands non-visible but it still prints a blank page per




  • edited August 2003
    One way would be to disconnect the main report from its data pipeline and
    set Report.Autostop to true. That would force the report to print only one
    detail band.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jim,

    I do not want to print 1 detail band. I have the sub-report in the title
    band and have set it to be on its own page, so this is already printed when
    it comes to the first detail band. At this point I do not want the report
    to go any further and the end-result I would like is that the title page.



  • edited August 2003
    In order to stop a report dead in its tracks, use the
    Report.PageLimitReached method. If you want to stop the report but let it
    continue with the last record generation, then call
    Report.DataTraversalCompleted. When you do this, set all the controls except
    the title band to not be visible. That should do the trick.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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