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Initialize Global Variables

edited August 2003 in RAP

I am using Delphi 5 and RB 6.03.

I have a global variable X that is an
integer that I use in calculations.

I initialize it in the initialize of global
variables. I run the run the report.
It previews correctly. I then press
the print and the numbers are
doubled. when it prints.

I put a ShowMessage in the initialize
of the global variables and it shows up
when I preview but not again when I

I am able to work arround it but I think
it should call the initialize every time
you run the report. Not just the first
time or have I missed something?

Joseph Gordon.


  • edited August 2003
    You should use only TppVariables and their Value property to calculate
    values and store them as the repor tis running. Use the variable's OnCalc
    event for the proper timing. You are getting extra numbers because the bands
    may get a chance to print on two pages. Sometimes it has to generate in
    order to determine that it couldn't fit on the previous page, so it
    regenerates on the next page as if the previous calc didn't happen. The
    report engine makes sure that the TppVariables are in sync with the
    generation process so that calcs are correct.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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