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Using A Global Program

edited September 2003 in RAP
This may be obvious but I want to put some code
into a global procedure so I can call from the
Report Before Print. I keep getting an error
message saying that the procedure name is

In Global Programs, I have
procedure SetTheFont(theName: TppDBText)

In Before Print, I try

and I get SetTHeFont is an undeclared identifier.
Help please...


  • edited September 2003
    Hi John,

    I tried it and it works fine for me in RAP. I think the problem that you
    are passing ppDBText1 in RAP, when the naming in RAP would be DBText1 where
    the pp prefix is removed.

    Are you trying to call this in Delphi code? That won't work because the
    SetTheText is only global inside of a single report's code module. One way
    to accomplish this would be to call the method inside RAP and not from
    Delphi code.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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