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Access Violation when switching back to design

edited April 2004 in RAP

In a BeforeGenerate of the Subreport Summary i'm placing a call to a
Passtrough Function that fill a ppChart with a Pie. I can't use a ppDBPie
because, although i've switched to D7 reportbuilder is generating errors in
RTL70 when using the ppDBChart. So be it, obviously not stable when the
datasets come from ADO, can't create the proble with BDE.
But here, after having displayed the report, switching back to any mode (out
of preview mode) generates a general protection and causes a double report
to be placed on the form.
Is that passthgoug function called at that moment ?


  • edited April 2004

    When you switch to Preview, RB saves a copy of the report layout to stream.
    Then the report executes - which could result in the layout being modified.
    When you leave Preview RB restores the original layout.

    Perhaps there is free notification issue somewhere. Try modifying your
    library path from RBuilder\Lib to RBuilder\Source. Use the Delphi debugger
    with break on language exceptions set to true.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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