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dataview not working properly

edited July 2004 in RAP
Hi. i am using Delphi 6, RB 7.03 and Firebird 1.5
i have RAP reports stored in one database as blobs, but i need to copy them
to another database (same DB Structure, different data...). I have used a
couple of different methods to do this, but generally when i do it the
dataviews seem to lose their settings somehow. ie when i copy them to the
2nd database and try to run them from there the Firebird login prompt comes
up (which is set to false on the TIBDatabase component in my project) and
then the report doesn't show up properly after you enter the login details.
To fix the problem after coping the reports i have to manually go through
each report and delete the dataview and re-add it. This is a hassle. Is
this a known problem with a remedy? oh yeah - the ways that i was copying
the reports from one DB to the other - 1. i opened the report in design
mode through report explorer and did a File - Save to File and then
connected to the other DB and made a new report in report explorer and did a
File - Load from File and then saved it back to the 2nd DB. 2. i made a
little program that simply copies the DB record from one DB to the other.
and my problem happens with both methods...
I hope thats not too confusing?!?!??


  • edited July 2004

    Tech Tip: How to modify the DatabaseName stored
    with a DADE Query

    Currently when DADE is used to create dataviews,
    the DatabaseName is stored as part of the query
    definition. (This is consistent with Delphi's
    approach to specifying a database connection for
    a Query object).

    In some cases, you may decide that the
    DatabaseName needs to be modified at a later date.

    We recommend that the DatabaseName
    refer to a TDatabase connection component or to
    an Alias to provide flexibility for changing
    the connection parameters.

    A second way to handle this issue is to implement
    some code that specifies a DatabaseName
    whenever a template is loaded. This can be accomplished
    by using the Report.Template.OnLoadEnd event.

    1. Declare an event-handler procedure in the private
    section of your form declaration.

    myForm = class(TForm)
    procedure ReportTemplateLoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);

    2. Use the FormCreate event to assign the event-handler to
    the event property.

    procedure myForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject)
    Report1.Template.OnLoadEnd := ReportTemplateLoadEndEvent;


    3. Add code to the event-handler to specify the database name.

    procedure myForm.ReportTemplateLoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject)
    lSQL: TdaSQL;

    if GetSQLObject(Report1, lSQL) then
    lSQL.DatabaseName := Designer.DataSettings.DatabaseName;
    SetSQLObject(Report, lSQL);



    4. Below is a tech tip for extracting the SQL object
    from a report. TdaSQL is a class defined in daSQL.pas.
    The example code extracts only DataViews[0]. If the report
    contains multiple dataviews, you will need to iterate thru
    all of the entries in the DataViews[] array.

    Tech Tip: How to access the SQL object associated
    with a Report created using DADE


    function GetSQLObject(aReport: TppReport; var aSQL: TdaSQL): Boolean;
    lDataModule: TdaDataModule;
    lDataView: TdaDataView;

    aSQL := TdaSQL.Create(nil);

    {get the datamodule}
    lDataModule := daGetDataModule(aReport);

    if (lDataModule <> nil) then
    lDataView := lDataModule.DataViews[0];

    if (lDataView <> nil) and (lDataView is TdaQueryDataView) then


    Result := (aSQL <> nil);


    procedure SetSQLObject(aReport: TppReport; aSQL: TdaSQL);
    lDataModule: TdaDataModule;
    lDataView: TdaDataView;

    {get the datamodule}
    lDataModule := daGetDataModule(aReport);

    if (lDataModule <> nil) then
    lDataView := lDataModule.DataViews[0];

    if (lDataView <> nil) and (lDataView is TdaQueryDataView) then
    TdaQueryDataView(lDataView).SQL := aSQL;



    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    Hi Nard
    i tried that code, it runs through the code fine, but when i click the
    preview tab or data tab of the report designer i get an access violation,
    which i can't find where it is. any thoughts?

  • edited July 2004

    Modify your Delphi library path from RBuider\Lib to RBuilder\Source and set
    the debugger options to break on Delphi language exceptions. Then run the
    same test.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    Hi Nard,
    it seems when it gets to the GetMagicSQLText in daSQL.pas the access
    violation occurs because the FEditSQLAsText (boolean property) has no value.
    I think that somewhere between the GetSQLObject and SetSQLObject you had me
    do to specify the databasename when the report template is loaded, the daSQL
    object is being destroyed and not created again properly. but i don't know
    the RB code well enough to work out what is happening. i had to change the
    aReport parameter in GetSQLObject and SetSQLObject from TppReport to
    TppCustomReport when i implemented these procedures, could this have
    anything to do with it?
    Sorry if this topic has swayed from RAP to DADE

  • edited July 2004

    I created an example that you can download...



    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    Thanks Nard, i got it wokring with that demo.
    for some reason, after i assigned the database name, the
    report.ShowAutoSearchDialog was being set to false, so after re-assigning
    database name i just set it to true again and everything works great.

This discussion has been closed.