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how many times GlobalonCreate is trigger? RB 7.04 D5

edited August 2004 in RAP
I have many reports working fine until upd to 7.04 now my RAP
GlobalOnCreate event when i show one windows (in rap in globaloncreate) is
fired many times, from preview is show fine but when the user sent to the
printer the event is fired for second time or in cases in every pages is
fired again, never happens before this upgrade

Best Regads

Miguel Gavidia


  • edited August 2004
    Hi Miguel,

    I am unable to recreate this behavior on my machine. Please send a small
    example of the OnGlobalCreate event firing more than once per print using
    the DBDemos database in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and
    I'll try to solve this issue as quickly as possible.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    Thank you

    just sended
  • edited August 2004
    Hello Nico

    do you have some news about this problem?

    thank you in advance

    "Miguel Gavidia" escribi? en el mensaje
  • edited August 2004
    Hi Miguel,

    Sorry for the delay. The last email I sent you was on August 12th
    requesting the reports or database tables in question. It seemed you had
    only sent me the end-user demo without any report templates to test. I
    guess the email did not go through. Here is a copy of what I sent.
    Hi Miguel,

    Thanks for sending the example, however it seems you only sent me the end
    user demo without any reports or an acompanying database to connect to with
    the report in question. It would be much easier for me to find the issue if
    you sent me a stand alone application containing a form with a report and
    button running the report and causing the behavior in question.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    Hello Nico

    No i sended to you two mails directly, sended now to you again
    here are:
    Hello Nico

    I found something rare when the printer is not the default the problem
    happens, when the printer is the default all work fine

    Best regards

    MSI Miguel Angel Gavidia Gonzalez


    SIRE Sistema Integrador de Recursos Empresariales

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