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Multiple Copies of the same record

edited October 2004 in RAP
I don't know if this is the right newsgroup for this but here goes.

Is there a way to have multiple copies of one record be printed? For
example, I have a query that returns an item number, description, and
quantity. I get one record from the query but I want to print the number of
labels equal to the quantity from the query.

ITEM# = '225X125R'
QTY = 6

I want six barcode labels to be output when a query returns the one record
of the previous data. Can it be done?


  • edited October 2004
    Hi Johnny,

    You can set the DetailBand.BandsPerRecord property to define the number of
    copies you want of a record printed. This property is available as a
    published property of the detail band at design time or in RAP. I would
    suggest using the DetailBand.BeforePrint event to set this property to the
    QTY value inside the report. Something like the following...

    procedure TForm1.ppDetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    ppReport1.DetailBand.BandsPerRecord := ppReport1.DataPipeline['QTY'];

    ...or in RAP,

    procedure DetailBeforPrint;
    Report.DetailBand.BandsPerRecord := Report.Datapipeline['QTY'];


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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