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ReportBuilder 7.x - Control Print to File at print Time

edited April 2009 in RAP
Sorry about cross posting....I just found this group which i though was more
appropriate then the General Discussion

Using ReportBuilder 7.X


Is it possible to Control Print to File.

I need to change the Length of a field at print time



In the setup - I set its length to 800 which is the max possible this field
should ever be.
However, in many cases the record is less than that and i need to set it to
the calculated size before printing to file.

Is this possible?

Is it possible to control any portions of this Print to file...at print time
(before Print, after print)?
Are the objects avaiable?

We are registered users of the 10.x and above i believe, but have still not
gotten around to recompiling are application in Delphi 2009 and the new
ReportBuilder....so, that is not an option at this point.




  • edited April 2009
    I'm thinking i need access to the Print to File Setup Dialog (or its
    properties)...so i can access "Save Length"

  • edited April 2009

    Please see the answer I posted to your question in the General newsgroup.

    Please do not cross post.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.