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Using RAP function Copy() while there is also an report parameter with te same username

edited November 2010 in RAP

When a report contains a report parameter 'Copy' it is not possible to call
the Copy() function from RAP.
I can't rename the 'Copy' report parameter because this involves a new
software release. (the copy parameter is set by the ERP software).

Is there another way to call the Copy() function? Something like

Using D2007, RB11.08

Kind regards,
Jeroen R?ttink


  • edited November 2010
    Hi Jeroen,

    Unfortunately no. The built in routines of RAP are reserved words so they
    cannot be used as parameter names if you also need to use them. If you are
    unable to rename the parameter, you will need to create a passthru function
    that makes a call to the Delphi Copy routine.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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