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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Detail Percentage of Group Total multiple pages

edited October 2014 in RAP


Consider the following raw data:

Item Type Item Uses
Item 1 Item 1A 2
Item 1 Item 1B 1
Item 1 Item 1C 1
Item 2 Item 2A 6
Item 2 Item 2B 2

I am looking be able to look at usage, to calculate the percentage of
use of each items of a type (a group), and the variance from the average
(to look for over- or under-utilisation of an individual item), giving a
result set such as this:

Item Type
Item Uses Percentage Variance
Item 1
Item 1A 2 50 % + 16.67 %
Item 1B 1 25 % - 8.33 %
Item 1C 1 25 % - 8.33 %
Total: 4 Avg: 33.33 %
Item 2
Item 2A 6 75 % + 25 %
Item 2B 2 25 % - 25 %
Total: 8 Avg: 50 %

I found some code linked in a previous support entry on this newsgroup
using the "GetLookAheadTotal" function:


With minor adaption, this works as expected - UNTIL the number of items
within a group causes the group to flow across multiple pages.

For the first detail after the page break, the Percentage and Variance
are both 0. The second (and subsequent) detail on the page are
calculated correctly.

On my second page, I would get:

Item Type
Item Uses Percentage Variance
Item 1
Item 1X 2 0 % + 0 %
Item 1Y 1 25 % - 8.33 %
Item 1Z 1 25 % - 8.33 %

I have spent most of the day so far getting to this point, believing it
to be working with small groups, and then I find that a large group
causes this issue, as I hope you can appreciate, is a touch frustrating!

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, if you would like a working
sample of data and the .rtm file to investigate, then don't hesitate to

For reference, I am using RB 15.05 build 275


Garry Mitchell


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