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Unlimted page size

edited September 2002 in Server

maybe not the right group, but since we are interested in converting
reports to the server edition..
Is it possible to specify an unlimited pagesize. Looking at a report in
the browser is different from a normal application. We have crosstabs
that we don't want to wrap onto a next page, using an unlimitd page
width would solve this problem



  • edited September 2002
    Sorry, but in ReportBuilder all reports must be designed for a specific page

    Just to clarify, the objective of the server is to publish standard
    ReportBuilder reports to remote clients and web browsers with minimal
    changes. There is no new concept of page size for the server.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2002
    > maybe not the right group, but since we are interested in converting

    With an app I wrote some time ago I just made it a ridiculously long page
    size. There were issues there as well, and at the moment can not remember
    how I got around them.... I think I made it 2 pass and checked for what the
    height of the page size needed to be when the report was created and set it
    before the 2nd pass.

    Ed Dressel
    Team DM
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