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MDI Report Explorer

edited September 2002 in Server
When I set the formstyle to fsMDIChild of a rsClientReportExplorer, I get
the following error when it attempts to open:

"Cannot make a visible window modal"

With the formstyle set to fsNormal the explorer opens normally.

Thanks - Jon Gray

RB 7 Server via DOA into Oracle / RB 7 Enterprise / Delphi 6 SP2


  • edited September 2002

    Thanks for reporting this issue, we'll check this out and get it resolved.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2002
    Any luck with this one?

  • edited September 2002

    I researched this and determined the following:

    1. I was able to create an MDI ClientReportExplorer example but it
    required a modification to the source code. There is a
    ClientReportExplorer.ModalForm boolean property that was accidentally
    left out. We'll get this fixed for the next maintenance release.

    2. You cannot use fsMDIChild - that form style will not work. Instead
    you have to place the rsClientReportExplorer component on an MDIChild
    window and write a small amount of code to configure the report explorer
    to behave as a child window (i.e. behave as report explorer panel).
    However one of the properties that needs to set is the ModaForm property
    mentioned in 1 above.

    If you have purchased RB Server and want to try to get this working now,
    please let me know and I can send you the source units and the example
    code. Otherwise you will need to wait until we do a maintenance release.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2002
    Your fix for this worked great.

    Thank you!

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