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RBuilder 22.01 Build 99 change RBuilder.ini folder

We can no longer write to RBuilder.ini in the windows system directory and I've been all over (I think) the designer without finding a IniStorageName property or if necessary, how to access this property in code. I would appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks Bob


  • edited December 12
    Hi Robert,

    By default (for new reports) the RBuilder.ini file is saved in the Local AppData directory which is not restricted. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\RBuilder

    If you are using an older application that still saves to the system directory, you can either change the ini location using the IniStorageName property of the TppDesigner component or in code using the TppIniStoragePlugin class.




    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Thanks Nico, I'm almost certain it wasn't there before., but it's all there now :-) .. I've been using RBuilder for a long time...since Nard on boarded me years ago... might be time for me to retire. Bob
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