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Report Designer won't show

Hey --

After a rebuild of my Delphi install, the ReportBuilder Designer will not show. I have reinstalled twice, but still...nothing. No error, no anything.

Tried both double-clicking and right click, select "Report Designer..."

Any help will be appreciated.


  • Hi Nick,

    Which version of Delphi and ReportBuilder are you using? Are you able to see the designer at runtime?

    I suggest performing a complete uninstall of ReportBuilder and being sure all RB related design-time packages are removed from Delphi, then re-installing.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • I'm using the fully patched version of Delphi 11.3.

    I haven't the foggiest idea how to see the designer at runtime.
  • Actually, just figured that out, and it works at runtime in a demo app, but at Design Time, I cannot see anything. Literally nothing happens as far as I, ProcExp, and ProcMon can tell.
  • And I found that deleting my RBuilder.ini file set everything right. Thanks.
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