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Server edition for Linux?

edited September 2002 in Server

What are the plans on supporting Linux (Kylix) for the RB server edition?
I have read several articles explaining that Kylix is no part of your
business as far as the "normal" editions of RB are concerned, but I can't
believe your view is the same in the server market. Is it?

Oliver Sturm

Dahlhoff IT-Solutions - Buellenkothenweg 37a - 40229 Duesseldorf
Tel.: 0211-2202821 - Fax: 0211-2202822 - http://www.dahlhoff.biz
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  • edited September 2002

    I think Linux is here to stay, but the current climate for Delphi Linux
    tools is not good.

    Could be a possibility for the future, we'll see what the demand is
    like. Thus far we have not seen a enough demand for Linux to justify the
    development cost. Borland and the third party component companies that
    support Linux are losing lots of money on the current Linux market, they
    are hoping it will grow. With Delphi 7, Kylix is included free - that
    should tell you something.

    An RB Server for Linux would still be a huge development project.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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