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losing data settings

In D10.3 Mysql with Firedac, RB 21.0

The data settings are changing every time I edit a report template. Sql type is changing form 2 to 1, the database connection is empty. If I change them back and save then run the report, they are fine. However the next time I edit the layout the have gone again.
They are hard coded into the ppDesigner component to be correct.
What do I need to look at to make sure they are saved ? I didn't have this prblem in D7


  • Edit. They only get lost when restarting the application. They remain the rest of the time.
  • Hi Andy,

    Check your form definition at Delphi design-time to be sure the DataSettings are correct in the designer. If so, then they will stay consistent unless you change them in code.

    Note that you need to have a valid SessionType defined when you load your application or the DataSettings will be empty. If you are using FireDAC, your SessionType should be set to "FireDACSession".
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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